Radio and TV Ministries
God has graciously given Solomon and Ruby opportunities to share his love through Radio and TV.
KASS FM: Kalenjin Radio/TV station. This is a panel discussion engaging professionals who are former international students but are in leadership positions in different countries such as Saudi Arabia, Australia, Kenya and the USA. We cover different issues affecting leadership, family and many others. Solomon and Ruby provide devotional for the group and lead in prayer. Also we provde Biblical perspective on issues. According to the station our listeners are about 5 million. The program is aired life every Sunday morning in Kenya at 7 AM. While the program is live on radio it is taped for TV and aired at least twice during the week.
FACEBOOK BIBLE STUDY: Every Friday night 10:30 St. Louis time. Currently we are studying the book of Nehemiah.

God's Abundance for Eden Seminary Students
October 17th, 2021
News from Solomon and Ruby Spring 2021 Letter
May 10th, 2021
Remembering Eden Seminary Students Who Have Graduated
February 23rd, 2021
Update on Oldest Son Joshua
February 23rd, 2021
The Gospel Going Forth In Spite of and Because of COVID-19
February 22nd, 2021
Solomon's Article on His Experience Ministering in New York Following 9/11Solomon and Ruby's 2014 Message at Kabarak UniversityMinistering to Those who are Called to LeadMore Ministry Opportunities in Kenya and Around the WorldMinistry in Trinidad, Ruby's Original Home CountryMinistry Opportunities: St. LouisRecent Trips to Sri LankaRadio and TV Ministries
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